GRIEVING GOD’S WAY by Margaret Brownley

Last week I reviewed my dad’s first novel, THE STAGECOACH MURDERS, and told you of the books that inspired his writing. That is, anything by Louis L’Amour or Zane Grey. But there is one author that literally brought him from that era to present day: western romance writer, Margaret Brownley!

I love to tell the story of how Dad came to stay with me the weekend my copy of A LADY LIKE SARAH, the first in her Rocky Creek Series, arrived in the mail. I opened the box, he sat down with it and before the weekend was over had read the book cover to cover!

A SUITOR FOR JENNY and A VISION OF LUCY followed and we enjoyed the series so very much. When Ms. Brownley’s novella, SNOW ANGEL, was published in A LOG CABIN CHRISTMAS COLLECTION – along with another favorite author of mine, Jane Kirkpatrick – I shared it with Dad, too.

 When I read Ms. Brownley’s nonfiction book, GRIEVING GOD’S WAY, The Path to Lasting Hope and Healing, it touched my heart and I knew I wanted to share this very important book with you.

She leads us through ninety days of healing, with scripture for each day. It is our human nature to try to handle our grief in our own way, and simply ask God why did this happen? But God does not leave us during our grieving. 

In her book, the author shows us how to seek healing in God’s way and shows us scripture that explains the why. Why me? Why did this happen? Her discussions on the healing God gives us in memories, nature, and seasons particularly touched me.

None of us can escape the pain and sorrow of losing someone we love. Grief comes to each of us at some point in our life. If you are experiencing grief now, or know someone who is, my prayers go with you and I urge you to read and share GRIEVING GOD’S WAY.

But what I would hope is that you have the opportunity to read Margaret’s book before you’re in that place of loss. She wrote the book following the loss of her son and the wisdom and comfort she shares comes from her heart. I pray it will be a balm to your soul and give you strength when you need it most.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.” KJV Psalms 19:14



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